Lloyds Park Meets Jackson Pollock

“Made you look, made you stare!”  šŸ˜›

That’s what the trees seemed to tease during a stroll in Lloyds Park, London.

The weather of late has been extremely gloomy, wet, and rainyā€”making this sunny day even more of a treat!

Honestly, it’s been that bad. Meteorologists have predicted this summer to be the worst in 50 years. Anyways, I love how nature can stop you in your tracks, much like a Fauvist piece with its bold colours and dramatic expression.

Although, with the smattering of floaty leaves, this reminded me more of a Jackson Pollock painting.

Do you see it too? The vibrant greens and the sunlight illuminating the yellows of the leaves.

Oh, and the gentle ripples disrupting the patternā€”itā€™s an abstract expressionist masterpiece of its own.Ā  In a Lloyds Park Meets Jackson Pollack sort of way.  And of course, I had to snap!

Does any artist or style spring to mind when you’re out and about in nature?

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