Do You Have Uncool Weekend Plans, too?

Happy Friday! Do you have any plans for the weekend? It’s funny—I used to feel like the odd one out if I didn’t have a weekend full of plans. Chilling, reading, and visiting family just didn’t fit the cool image I was going for. Somehow, being busy equalled being popular and cool, which is what my younger self wanted. Things like parties, concerts (gigs sound way cooler), and dinners—just generally being a social butterfly.

Don’t get me wrong, I eventually got around to doing some of the so-called ‘cool’ stuff. But now, I look forward to a weekend free of rigid plans—or dare I admit it: cancelled plans. I guess this is what the kids call the “joy of missing out”.

So here are my plans perfectly summed up by these pictures taken from Sliema’s naturally formed pools. Minus the book I’m hoping to finish! But who knows? 🤷🏾‍♀️

Whatever you do, I hope it’s an “uncool” one!

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