Bye-Bye August 📷 And Hello to September’s Back-to-School Vibes

Is it just me, or does the start of September feel like a new chapter? It always gives me back-to-school vibes.

And if you’re thinking, ‘You don’t look school age,’

you’d be right.

But what can I say? Old habits die hard.

As summertime fades away, I get this strange feeling—not quite sure what it is, but it sits somewhere between excitement and a hint of trepidation.

Cue the thoughts…đź’­

I’ve noticed just how differently summer is celebrated here in the Med compared to the UK. And it’s not just the extra vitamin D. Well, maybe. No, but seriously, I’ve spent some gorgeous moments on the beach, which made me realise that here, summer feels like a collective reset. What with extensive summer shutdowns and much more people taking most of their annual leave—now.

It almost feels like, maybe September could make for a better start to the year than January!

With September rolling in, it brings those back-to-school vibes and reminders of shiny new shoes, reuniting with old or new friends, starting a brand-new year, and—most certainly—a new crush!

If you think about it, not much has changed. Maybe, of course, with the exception of a new crush.

The funny thing is, summer isn’t exactly over yet.

Kids won’t return to school for another month—at least in Malta. Still, I just can’t shift this mindset. Maybe it’s because September feels like a fresh start—a time for setting new goals and new beginnings, just like the first day back at school used to.

Talking of which, I still remember my teacher setting creative assignments on the first day back, asking us to outline what we did over the summer and what we hoped to achieve by the end of the term (Christmas)

And since I’m a stickler for tradition, I thought I’d play teacher…

What have you been up to in August? And do you have any goals for the start of the “new” school year?

Due Date: First Day of Autumn 🍂

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