

How 102-Year-Old Nanna Maria Lives the Mediterranean Way (And How You Can Too)

Now that you’ve met Nanna Maria—the 102-year-old who’s survived bombings and still whips up the best lentil soup—it’s time to let you in on her little secret: the Mediterranean lifestyle. To be fair, it’s not really a secret, but there are a lot of myths about how to live it. Some will tell you it’s […]

How 102-Year-Old Nanna Maria Lives the Mediterranean Way (And How You Can Too) Read Post »

Expat Woes, Lifestyle

How to Maintain Friendships When Life Yells, 📢 ‘Plot Twist’

Change is the master of surprises, uprooting things and yelling “Plot Twist” at a moment’s notice. One minute, you’re sipping coffee, cackling wildly like a banshee; the next, you’re blubbing uncontrollably because one of your besties has swanned off to another country—with a guy. (Oops 🙋🏾‍♀️), And the other is knee-deep in nappy cream. Yep,

How to Maintain Friendships When Life Yells, 📢 ‘Plot Twist’ Read Post »

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