Sincerely, Dionne x

This is where I share life’s little snapshots—both laugh-out-loud moments and deep reflections. I’m also a wannabe photographer, so, think of it as a series of postcards documenting the adventure and musings on life’s curveballs. Because one thing about me: I’m gonna have to either giggle about it, weave it into a story or both! So grab a coffee, btw I take one sugar! (or wine—in which case, pour me a large one) and don’t leave me hanging!

Postcards From UK, Sincerely, Dionne x

Why You’ve Gotta Cheer on Your Own Culture (Yep, Even When in Rome)!

When you think of British culture, what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Is it tea, the Royal Family, or even fish and chips? Well, it’s something even more iconic for me—the all-singing, all-performing school assembly. Bet you wasn’t expecting that! No, but seriously, back in the day, the whole school would file into […]

Why You’ve Gotta Cheer on Your Own Culture (Yep, Even When in Rome)! Read Post »

Sincerely, Dionne x

Just Do You

But that means doing the things you love—whether that’s through hobbies, passions, or just living authentically. Either way, you don’t have to force it. I used to think it was me. That I wasn’t interesting enough. Or funny enough. Or something-enough I’d get the late invitations—you know, the ones that ended with ‘if you want’.

Just Do You Read Post »

Postcards From Malta, Sincerely, Dionne x

Weekends Are For… Remembering That Life’s An Ongoing Adventure!

Because of the routines we follow, we often forget that life is an ongoing adventure—Maya Angelou I saw this beautiful quote recently and it has been replaying in my mind ever since: ‘Because of the routines we follow, we often forget that life is an ongoing adventure’ Now, isn’t that the truth? You see, I’m

Weekends Are For… Remembering That Life’s An Ongoing Adventure! Read Post »

Musings & Thoughts

Holding Space

I’ve never been that great at relaxing, especially in crowded places. But somehow, at the beach, it’s different. There’s a soundtrack to beach days: the crash of waves, children’s laughter, and the gentle hum of chatter carried along by the breeze. It all mingles together into this soothing melody. Lying there with my eyes closed,

Holding Space Read Post »

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