How Was Your Week? P.S. You Can’t Say ‘Same Old’ #1

As we 🙋🏾‍♀️ goodbye to another week (and month), it’s sooo easy to let lil moments of joy pass unnoticed. You know how the script goes. Someone asks,’What have you been up to?’ And unless you’ve done something big or extraordinary, the answer is, ‘nothing much‘or ‘same old, same old’ 🤷🏾‍♀️
So, here’s a challenge: What if, this time, we swap the shoulder-shrugging to notice the magic in mundanity?

I’ll kick things off, by sharing my week’s highlights. But, then it’s your turn. Have a think: What brought sunshine into your week and made you smile?☀️

1. Feathered Serenity

Firstly, can I just say: the quiet stillness of mornings centres me. A hot cup of ☕️, the rising sun. No phones, (or any screens for that matter) is all that’s needed. This week, though, my morning routine included birdwatching. I say birdwatching, but it involved me watching what I think are starlings, with a mug in hand. They were less melodic and more chaotic and kinda looked like they were heading off on some sort of imaginary school run. But despite their squawking, they got my morning off to a relaxing start.

2. Sunset Reflections

Caught an attention-grabbing sunset! I think by now, you know just how much I love sunsets (and sunrises). And despite having 1000s of 📸. I took a few more. But, one more can’t hurt, right? Apart from the obvious beauty, its the sky that’s as good as yelling, “stop what you’re doing right now and just chill here a while!”

3. Celebratory Win

It’s all about celebrating the small wins. And this week it was completing a task causing our company a headache. And if you saw the brief, you would celebrate too! Anyways, I managed to (finally) resolve it. And the feeling of accomplishment was too good not to mention! 📣So I’m calling it!

4. Solo Surprise

Received a sweet message from a friend who’s in 🇺🇲. She’s currently on her first solo trip. As in ever ever! Before heading off, she was super anxious about it! So it was lovely getting an update and hearing some of her adventures.

Dinner date(s) good food, even better company!

5. Dinner Date(s)

This is kinda a celebratory win too. One that still makes me smile. So, extra feels. I was invited to dinner by colleagues-turned-friends. I almost didn’t go. Because you know drinks with new(ish) friends are one thing and dinner 🍽 is quite another. More intimate. But you know what? I’m sooo glad I did. We laughed. Alot. Had deep, deep chats. Ones that went well beyond smalltalk. And I certainly felt a sense of connection. Grateful for the invite. Oh and the food was pretty good too.

Your Turn Now!

What about you? What moments filled your week with joy? Feel free to share your highlight(s) in the comments – and no. You can’t say ‘Nothing much‘ or phrases to the effect of ,same old!‘ 💫

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