How About a Trip to the Caribbean?

‘Soft, powdery white sand, crystal clear waters in 4K, and the most raging fires in the sky imaginable…’ I said excitedly to a friend.

We were talking about the Caribbean and, more specifically, the fact that there are over 7,000 islands. I didn’t realise anyone else was listening. I mean, it was just me, him. Oh, and my phone.

So, guess what lands in my inbox this morning? Only an offer promoting a sun-soaked trip to Aruba! To be fair, it’s not a bad offer; it’s just—well, luckily for me, I’ve been. But I’d love to visit other places. And sort of what my friend and I were discussing. We were chatting about there being the same old package holidays, cruises, and transportation between the islands—or lack thereof.

But if we’re talking bucketlists, of course, Jamaica is on the list. Lesser-known places too, like Isle de Margarita, La Tortuga, and Las Roques. Oh, and Grenada, St Vincent and The Grenadines, The Cayman, and perhaps a cruise to the many uninhabited ones.

Are there any island(s) you’d like to visit? Speak up, and let’s see what hits the inbox. 😉

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