How Discovering New Hobbies Lights You Up

Do you have any hobbies? I once worked with a quirky guy who dressed up in medieval clothing each weekend and re-enacted battles with other people—a sort of cosplay meets playfighting.

It wasn’t for me, and everyone thought he was a bit weird, but seeing the joy on his face as he retold the stories was contagious. That’s what hobbies are supposed to do: fill you with joy.

I’ve dabbled in a few over the years—does partying and happy hours count? (Kidding, of course). It’s funny, but as I’ve grown, so have my interests.

Now I’m more into things like hiking, sightseeing, and snapping photos. Like this one, for instance, where a walk led to my “discovery” of Kyoto Garden in West London.  It’s such a beautiful spot. If you’re ever in the area, it comes highly recommended.

Younger me would never have openly said, ‘I love walking.’ Nope. It just wouldn’t have sounded cool enough. Never mind, though. Older me gets it. Being outdoors and soaking up nature somehow makes you feel alive.

Besides, walking isn’t just a hobby—it’s the best way to explore new places and sightsee  Not to mention, it’s wonderful for your well-being, especially when it comes to escaping the endless loop of overthinking. Like, come on—how can you see something as beautiful as a tranquil pond complete with authentic Japanese carp, and still be stressing about something silly you said yesterday at 11:04?

These walks open my eyes to the magic in the mundane and the beauty all around us.

To find what lights you up, you’re going to have to put yourself out there. So don’t worry about seeming weird—we all are to someone else! Be like Christian (the quirky ex-colleague) and get out and try new things.

Hint: If you’re stuck, revisit the things you loved as a child. Did you enjoy drawing, building things, painting? These clues will guide you right back to the things that bring you joy.

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