Postcards From a Snowy(ish) Morning in London

Just imagine waking up in your childhood bed to a garden full of snow—no matter how old you get, it’s right up there with Santa Claus, The Tooth Fairy, and all the other childhood wonders, isn’t it? And yes I know. It would have been way better if this happened on Christmas Day itself. But given there hasn’t been an official white Christmas in London for over 20 years (a flurry here or there doesn’t count), let’s just say I was more than happy waking up like this!

Though it felt like Christmas morning, I doubted I’d get away with waking up my parents now. 🙈 So, I tip-toed around the house on my best behaviour (promise), just watching quietly from the window-sill. A dusting of snow makes everything quiet and hauntingly beautiful, don’t you think?
From one side of the house, the moon was still out. Whenever I see the moon during the day, it always gives me that ‘caught ya’ feeling. But there was this stunning sunrise
I’ll let you guess which one won in the attention stakes. I just stood there, feeling delightfully pleased with myself, cozy and warm in PJs, with the scent of coffee filling the room, and watched until the window got all steamy!
Of course, no one was as eager as me or my inner child to get out. I mean, snow looks beautiful and all, but it’s also freezing!
So off I went, hotfooting it to Green Park. It’s one of eight royal parks in London. And though i’m not too hot on wars, this is
where you’ll find the memorial gates paying beautiful homage to over five million Africans, Caribbeans and Indians that served in the second world war.
Green Park is ordinarily a stunning park with Buckingham Palace on one side and beautiful scenery on the other. Only now, the icy weather seemed to preserve the golden autumnal hues, creating a stunning backdrop for the London Eye.
Is now a good time to tell you, I never noticed the idyllic-looking building jutting into the scene? Well, until now. Maybe because it added to the whimsical scene.
Oh, and the birds’ impromptu performance of Swan Lake. I say Swan Lake, but there were all kinds of birds bobbing about gracefully and navigating the frozen lake.
Okay, so by now, my hands were freeeeez-ing, so I decided to head home via Trafalgar Square, of course. So glad I did because, oh my, the famous landmark looked mightily different.
The mermaid, triton and co was frozen along with the fountain that usually flows freely around them. But you know what? In the 85 years or so since they’ve been here. I bet, Trafalgar Square never looked more magical.

Before I go, are you dreaming of a white Christmas ❄️ or more of a 🔥 and toasty one?

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