There’s a quiet kind of freedom in letting go of what you can’t control, trusting that even the hardest chapters will pass, and something new—something you’ll grow to love—will take their place.
Everything passes.
Not gonna lie, I used to struggle with that—the idea that nothing lasts forever.
I guess it just felt so… final.
Or maybe it was knowing that I have no control over it. The thought that these moments—and the people I love—are temporary was unsettling.
The thing is, these life events don’t hit all at once. They sneak up on you—unfolding in the everyday.
Friendship groups shrink.
Family dynamics shift.
And those changes shape you, too.
But the more I sat with the idea of impermanence, the more I began to see the other side of it.
The bad days, the heartbreaks, the losses—they pass, too.
I wouldn’t say I’ve mastered it, not even close.
But I’m trying to practise this: holding on when it matters and letting go when it’s time.
Like giggling with my 91-year-old grandma and listening to her stories about her move from Jamaica to London —knowing that moments like these won’t last forever.
The same goes for life’s tough moments—they won’t last either.
When life shifts, like starting over or stepping into the unknown, I remind myself to ‘trust the process’, (even if it’s the part I struggle with the most).
There’s a quiet kind of freedom in letting go of what you can’t control. Trusting that even the hardest chapters will pass and that something new—something you’ll come to love—will take their place.
Because everything passes. The good, the bad, and even the unknown.