Shaking Off That Meh Feeling with These Outdoorsy Joys

We’ve just entered a new month, but I won’t say ‘Happy New Month’, but hurrah to longer days and finally getting paid!

Lately, I’ve been feeling… a bit meh. Not quite down, not full-on wintery-bluesy just not my usual high-energy self.

And not gonna lie…

I’ve kinda loved it.

Let me land.

Usually, I’m the one ke-keing, making everyone laugh, but it just wasn’t my season and I wasn’t in the mood. Like a bear in hibernation, I just wanted to honour that slower state.

And I know, I’m not the only one feeling like this. So in the words of Taylor Swift—maybe you’re ready to ‘Shake it Off’

a bit like what happened to me.

The other night, while I was all cosy, I started scrolling through my old adventures and it finally felt like, it’s timmmme’.

Between those memories and the brighter days, I’m ready to step outside again, play tourist and rediscover the little joys of the everyday. Who knows, maybe this is part of getting back to my old self!

Anyway, look at me wittering on–if you are feeling meh here’s a little(ish) list of the outdoorsy things I can’t wait to get back to doing…

maybe they’ll spark a bit of joy in you too.

Ah, nature—the natural antidepressant you didn’t know you needed!

I can’t tell you enough just how much joy walking in nature brings.

And when I say nature, I mean nature—forests, mountains, coastal walks, parks—you name it, the benefits speak for themselves.Vitamin D? Yep, the sunshine one you get even on seemingly cloudy days.

Then there’s your mental health—hence the joy factor. Walking in nature lifts your mood, not just from the endorphins you get from moving, but from the sights and sounds, too.

Together, they reduce cortisol (stress hormones), boost creativity, and strengthen your immune system. Oh and nothing’s set in stone here—“walking in nature” also extends to running or cycling.

And if concerns about personal safety are stopping you, why not join an outdoorsy group? You might remember me mentioning Flock Together—where we also did a spot of birdwatching!

Not that I was great at it mind, but it was so much fun.

Plus, I met some awesome people and learnt a few fun nature facts along the way.

I don’t think I’ll ever grow out of visiting the park or feeding the birds. Sure bluey-green sparkling water is beautiful, but they’re not really designed for lobbing bits of breads into.

Nah, save that for colder, murkier waters. And it’s not all pondlife—though I just remembered the park was where I had my first proper kiss.

Anyway, I digress.

But, when you think about it there’s lots to do—take a stroll, find a bench, journal and read a book—or not. Find a quiet spot, do some exercise and get your stretches in. Meditate, practise yoga, eat lunch, have a picnic.

All at once if you want.

Some parks have little petting zoos and free-roaming deer. If, of course you’re into that sort of thing.

But the best thing is: you’re never too old to have a go on the swings!

Now, if there’s one outdoorsy activity, I enjoy it’s playing tourist. And, no, I’m not saying, travel isn’t a wondrous experience, (life-changing even).

But, who says adventure has to mean boarding a plane? Especially when, we have travel at home—in our backyards!

Just look at the millions of tourists flocking here and ask yourself: what do they see that we don’t? Alot actually, so follow their lead!

Check blogs, the tourist board, even sign-up to the local council newsletters. That’s what I do. I even get dolled up and take snaps. No, not of me… the sights.

And don’t let procrastination fool you into thinking you’ve gotta spend loads. I’m talking visiting museums, window-shopping, visiting libraries, art galleries or noseying around another area. Even buskers and people-watching count.

Chances are, like me, you probably get at least two days a week to yourself, right? So more than enough time for a mini adventure!

Ah, and if you’re up for going further afield, there’s a road trip. My most recent one was to Folkestone.

There was the option to take a train, but honestly—where’s the fun in that?

I love being out on the open road. It’s the sense of freedom for me. And probably why you’ll never get an ‘Are we there yet?’ outta me.

Pair that with the break in monotony and the stunning natural scenery, and you’re onto a winner.

Plus, I was alone, so it gave me space and time—and a sense of accomplishment from:

a) planning the trip

b) exploring a new town

c) and being by the sea—my happy place.

The thing is, you don’t need a long journey to get those wind-in-your-hair feels.

Just a short drive, belting out 90s R&B hits (usually while recreating reimagined music videos). Does it every time.

Call me biased, but I’m team sunrise—it’s the exclusive vibe for me. At that time of day, fewer people are up. So no extra distractions from big crowds—just me, able to stay in the moment.

Then there are those fiery reds, different shades of pinks, blues, and purples—all pulling you into that magical state of awe. It’s a front-row seat to the gift (and hope) of a brand-new day.

That said, I still have love for sunset.

After all, they’re symbolic of impermanence. A reminder that even the crappiest day will end. Think: This too shall pass.

At least that’s how I see them.

And you can enjoy a sunrise from anywhere—your garden, a window, a beach, a park bench, or a rooftop (though that may be better suited for sunset, whilst sipping on something!).

Oh, and did you know watching the sunrise or sunset helps improve sleep?

Joy in itself, some might say.

With the round-the-clock lifestyle most of us have nowadays, a sunset basically says ‘na night—easing you into a relaxed state, ready for a good night’s rest.

Who knew looking up at the sky could bring such joy?

I won’t bore you by repeating my fave things about the sea—but I couldn’t leave this off the list.

After all, sitting by the sea is outdoorsy and pure joy.

Oh, and science backs it—ecotherapists say the sea is great for mental health. Physical health too. Saltwater works wonders for your skin!

But honestly, no study is needed to prove just how good it makes you feel.

Ready to Spark Joy?

Whether its walking in nature or taking a road trip, I hope these moments serve as a ‘breath of fresh air! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist) No, but seriously, if you’ve been feeling meh and more importantly are feeling ready to rediscover joy in the everyday, then start with these…and fingers crossed for a happy new month!

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