You’re Just a Drop in the Ocean (for Pete’s Sake!)

Confession time: I’m an overthinker. Actually, scratch that—I’m a massive overthinker. All the Brené Browns in the world can’t stop me from waking up at 3:04 AM, obsessing over something I said or did at 10:07 am one Friday last month. In the spirit of self-acceptance, I find that self-deprecating comedy helps. It’s what us Brits do best!

I mentioned my little overthinking ways to my bestie recently, and she was like, ‘OMG, me too!’  We then traded secrets on what got our minds working. For instance, when a boss barely acknowledges our hearty ‘good mornings‘, we both interpret this as: ‘ You’re getting sacked in the morning!’, even though our affliction has probably rendered us ‘job worths’.

But giving advice is always easier than taking it, isn’t it?

So I jokingly pipe up, ‘Come on, the poor man could be reflecting on the massive row he had with his wife, or more pressing, what an earth are you staring at?’ 👀 [trying to read him]. It could be a gazillion reasons.

And illogical as overthinking is, logically speaking, I know none of us are really that important. Everyone’s dealing with their own stuff. Still, it doesn’t stop the 2:04 am thoughts💭.

So, instead of those glowing affirmations, my new mantra is: ‘You’re Not That Important’! I even text it to her.


After all, what are friends for?

Flying into Pisa not so long ago, I caught sight of this scene—a tiny vessel gliding gracefully in a huge body of water and couldn’t help but think  (still thinking, obviously) it made the perfect visual metaphor.

You know,  for us overthinkers.

For the non-overthinkers in the room, these pics was snapped over the Ligurian Sea (which also surrounds Portofino and Cinque Terre) and is part of the Mediterranean Sea.

Mantra: So you think you’re important? You’re just a tiny speck in the Ligurian Sea

So, next time you catch yourself overthinking, repeat after me:

‘I’m just a tiny drop in the ocean‘, even smaller than the yacht [pictured]   Can you see it?

Think: That’s you!

With love from Pisa 🇮🇹
Ponte Solferino

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