Confession time: I’m an overthinker. Actually, scratch that—I’m a massive overthinker. All the Brené Browns in the world can’t stop me from waking up at 3:04 AM, obsessing over something I said or did at 10:07 am one Friday last month. In the spirit of self-acceptance, I find that self-deprecating comedy helps. It’s what us Brits do best!
I mentioned my little overthinking ways to my bestie recently, and she was like, ‘OMG, me too!’ We then traded secrets on what got our minds working. For instance, when a boss barely acknowledges our hearty ‘good mornings‘, we both interpret this as: ‘ You’re getting sacked in the morning!’, even though our affliction has probably rendered us ‘job worths’.
But giving advice is always easier than taking it, isn’t it?
So I jokingly pipe up, ‘Come on, the poor man could be reflecting on the massive row he had with his wife, or more pressing, what an earth are you staring at?’ 👀 [trying to read him]. It could be a gazillion reasons.
And illogical as overthinking is, logically speaking, I know none of us are really that important. Everyone’s dealing with their own stuff. Still, it doesn’t stop the 2:04 am thoughts💭.
So, instead of those glowing affirmations, my new mantra is: ‘You’re Not That Important’! I even text it to her.
After all, what are friends for?

Flying into Pisa not so long ago, I caught sight of this scene—a tiny vessel gliding gracefully in a huge body of water and couldn’t help but think (still thinking, obviously) it made the perfect visual metaphor.
You know, for us overthinkers.
For the non-overthinkers in the room, these pics was snapped over the Ligurian Sea (which also surrounds Portofino and Cinque Terre) and is part of the Mediterranean Sea.

So, next time you catch yourself overthinking, repeat after me:
‘I’m just a tiny drop in the ocean‘, even smaller than the yacht [pictured] Can you see it?
Think: That’s you!

Ponte Solferino
Very funny, I like it!
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it 😊