Own This Self-Love Challenge with a Simple Thank You!

When someone pays you a compliment, what do you say?

a) Yeah, but?

b) This old thing?

c) Thank you?

If you usually answer something like a) or b), then….

I officially summon you to a self-love challenge!

You see, I’ve noticed when I pay compliments (and I often do) they’re usually downplayed swatted right back at me like I’m a mosquito.

For instance I might say, ‘I love your dress’ only to get hit with ‘Oh I got it on sale’

The same goes for complimenting someone’s work, I’ll often hear ‘it’s a team effort’–even when I know full well you’re the star of the show and it was very much a solo project.

It’s something I see all the time. And I get it.

Society piped up long ago and told us, ‘no one likes a show-off‘!

Well, okay, fair point.

But, this habit of deflecting praise feels like sticking a giant disclaimer on our worth, as if we’re saying, “Oh no, stop, I don’t deserve that.”

So lets switch the narrative up a bit shall we?

Owning compliments helps you realise your worth and gives you the confidence to affirm it every day.

The Magic of a Simple ‘Thank You’!

You know how ‘no’ is a complete sentence. Thank you is too.

But, sometimes in a world of full of likes and matches, practicing self-love and self validation can feel a little awkward almost like you’re not too sure what to do–especially if it doesn’t come natural.

Which is where I got an a-ha moment for a fun “little” self-love challenge, so today…

we journal your way to self-love.

How do you journal about self-love? Simple! by writing down all the things you love about you—or at least 3 today, another 3 tomorrow and another 3 each day, until you’ve created a long list of self-love affirmations. And before you know it instead of playing ‘pass-it-on’ with compliments, you’ll be owning them with a simple, but confident thank you!

Starting Your Self-Love Challenge:

If you’re ever wondered how to journal about self-love, here’s a few prompts to get started:

  • Counter self-doubt with a little self-kindness.
  • Ask Yourself: Is it a bad life or just a bad day (or two) or even moment?
  • Remind yourself (and I mean, write it down) of all your setbacks and how far you’ve come.
  • Replace negative stories with positive self-talk.
  • Give yourself the same level of self compassion you’d give a friend.
  • Embrace yourself as you are now, even if this version of you, doesn’t fit your ‘shoulda-been’.
  • Balance self critique with self compassion–just like you would for a friend. Think: honest but kind.
  • Remember: Comparison is the thief of joy. Your journey is as unique as–well you. 
  • Growth isn’t always linear and maybe this part of your personal journey isn’t about fixing anything. Maybe it’s about accepting your imperfections.
  • Celebrate even the tiniest of wins
  • Focus on what you’re good at.
  • Just journal through it

You can check out this post here if you want more to go a little deeper with 33 journal prompts.

And since I’m getting in on this self-love challenge, too here are some things I love about me:

  • My infectious goofiness
  • My goofy sense of humour that cracks others up
  • My unforgettable cackle (it echoes across the British Isles and the Med too!)
  • My deep self-awareness
  • My singing voice (karaoke’s are the backdrop to the music video)
  • My open-mindedness
  • Super curious, like Columbo
  • Intuitive empath senses!)
  • My quirky personality
  • Adventurous spirit
  • My ability to laugh at myself
  • My knack for problem-solving
  • Resilience and getting back up
  • My ability to connect with people from all walks of life
  • Willing to give second chances (but just one!)
  • Cooking Skills (Let’s just say, I’m not too shabby)
  • Lifting up those around me
  • My tribe
  • Joyful about life’s seemingly ‘lttle’ things
  • My sensitive soul

Your Turn!

So, go grab a pen and paper, find a quiet space and let the self-love challenge begin! Remember, it’s YOUR list for you, so there’s no right or wrong way. Oh and if you’ve made it here… you‘re already winning!

Dionne x

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