Because of the routines we follow, we often forget that life is an ongoing adventure—Maya Angelou
I saw this beautiful quote recently and it has been replaying in my mind ever since: ‘Because of the routines we follow, we often forget that life is an ongoing adventure’ Now, isn’t that the truth? You see, I’m a fast walker—a skill perfected from daily commutes crossing London Bridge! Problem is, I now power walk everywhere—even when there’s no need to rush. But I’m trying to sip and savour more of life little adventures, even especially in the mundane. So I tried something a little different this weekend. Instead of zipping through my errands at 50MPH, I made an effort to walk at a humanly pace and take in more of the small details I’d normally miss. And you know what? it kinda sort of worked…

First stop was to the local electronics store to pick up some headphones. I was a little unsure, so I asked the guy behind the counter for some advice. Whilst helping me choose, he mentioned a few things like ‘it depends what you’re using them for—if it’s DJ’ing then…’ and ‘when I DJ’ed I used ones like this…’ and a few other things that made it clear: He used to DJ. As I was paying I asked, ‘if he missed it?’
Behind his dark rimmed glasses (that made him look a little bit Clark Kent-ish) his blue eyes sparkled a bit and he said, ‘I dunno, it was fun and I ended up travelling all over the world’.
He told me about his adventures, meeting people and being part of a global music community. In the moment I could tell he enjoyed reminiscing on something he loved.
When I asked why he stopped, he said he had to escape the lifestyle—’you know like drugs’ with a sheepish grin.
Before I left, I thanked him for sharing his story with me, surprisingly he thanked me right back—for listening. Wistfully he added, ‘no-one ever stops to speak to me really, they’re either in a rush or just care about getting their stuff’
I’m not telling you this, to big myself up—well, maybe a little. Joking aside, it goes to show what slowing down can do because, normally I’m those ‘in-a-rush people!’ Just think, though: you could be rushing past the most interesting stories. Who knows what life your local shopkeeper has led?
My weekend wasn’t just DJs and headphones, though.
Did I tell you, I’ve become a plant mum now?
Yes, yes, but, don’t expect photos of my plants the way my so-called “cat mum” friends send me endless snaps.
Honestly, you should see my photo gallery—it’s filled with photos and videos of cats being, well… cats!
I laugh, but look at me now. I never expected to get so excited about new shoots and thriving leaves. Like did you know plants are said to cry? Well, at least that’s what the lady in the flower shop told me as we bonded over plants. Don’t worry, I’ll spare you all the sordid details, but it turns out my plant isn’t bawling its leaves out, it’s just ‘sweating’ much the same way we do.
Apparently, plants do this to regulate their water intake and nutrients.
I’ve said it a thousand times, so one more time won’t hurt, but…
isn’t nature amazing?

Then I had to make one last stop to the fishmonger and surprise, surprise I got chatting to the owner. In this case, I’d say there’s nothing unusual about that except I did learn something. It’s about Bazooka fish—or Black Spot Bream, as it’s called in English—I was staring at it, or you could say, it was staring right back at me! Noticing the eyeballing going on between us, the owner laughed and stepped in. That’s when he introduced the Bazooka fish and explained it lives in deep waters. Turns out the those huge eyes are for seeing at dark depths! I couldn’t help myself so, I just said, ‘Ah, I see’
Ooh imagine, all these little fun facts, just
by slowing down
With adulting out of the way, it was time for me! So, I ventured down to the beach and stopped off at a bar for a cheeky prosecco. There, I watched wind surfers living their best lives. And, of course I took pictures—videos too (would it be me otherwise?). I don’t know whether its my Customer Services background or what, but I felt the owner was a little prickily with me. At the time, I vowed never to darken his doors again (in my head of course). But, it’s a good spot, so don’t judge me if I end up in there again. Best, not to mention the name of place, just in case. On a positive note, the staff were nice enough though!

Oh and during my solo venture I noticed two friends walking together down the beach. They weren’t doing anything out of the ordinary. Simply chatting, walking aimlessly laughing occasionally (can you tell, I was doing some serious people-watching here?) and stopping to take photos. Funnily enough, seeing them, did set off a teeny-weeny bout of FOMO. For a split second I kinda wish I had someone with me too.
But the feeling didn’t last long because I wanted to be alone… but then I wanted company… but then I wanted to be alone again…
You know what would have helped?
A magic wand where I could have waved people in for short stints and then waved them off again. Never mind.
Anyways, tell me about your weekend. How was it?