Just a thought, but, you know how we often jump to conclusions— wild ones at that? Well, what if you’re not stuck, or lost, or in need of a new adventure? Instead, what if what you’re really feeling is FOMO—for the present moment. Yes, yes, it probably seems way off the mark, especially when you’re seeking out and chasing after the next shiny thing. But, we’ve been here before, remember. How many times have you worked towards something and achieved it? And before I go on… how long did you sip and savour the moment? So, have you considered that maybe you’re right exactly where you need to be? In other words, maybe what you’re feeling isn’t unfulfilment but, your gut screaming at you to, ‘W A K E U P’ and enjoy your blessings. You know all the ones that you’re missing out on. Right now. But as I said… just a thought.