World Mental Health Day? Completed it! Now What

I’m sure you know this already, but: yesterday was World Mental Health Day. And if you’re slightly involved in corporate culture then chances are, not only did you know it, but you probably wore the T-Shirt.

In one of my first roles, World Mental Health Day fell on the same day as the routine monthly company update.

What wasn’t routine was the ‘take care of  your mental health’ speech emphatically delivered by the CEO.

Complete with lots of “keep going” quotes and ribbons passed round in support.

You could say, I already felt a bit skeptical about the authenticity in the message.

I think because mental health awareness, shouldn’t just be discussed performatively, but acted on every day.

I mean, I barely got a good morning!

Still, I couldnt help but think, he at least seems fulfilled by what he’s doing.

Listening to him weave quotes with the story of how he set up his company, it was clear he at least felt this was his purpose in life— or at least at work.

And good for him.

But, between the synchronised head-nodding and whooping by his team of cheerleaders, I wondered if they felt the same.

Because looking at them made me realise how feeling unfulfilled can actually be good thing.

**nods in Abraham Maslow’s hierarchical needs**

I see it as lifes little way of saying, ‘safety, love and belonging…completed it, mate!’ 

And if life—or at least corporate life was that video game, Jay from the show The Inbetweeners was banging on about, then there’s another round.

Spoiler Alert: Jay nor the nodding dogs would be in it.

Here, you’d be zapped up to the next level. And placed at the bottom of this huge mountain called Mount Self-Actualisation-ous

(Okay, not the most inventive of name, but you get the gist?)

You can only move up Mount Self Actualisation-ous by being real and true to yourself.

This round is only “completed” once you realise your full potential—which of course takes you into  “bonus rounds” to help you figure out your why.

So, now what? 

A lot actually.

Maybe all your energy let’s go with lifelines. (Yep, like in video games).

Maybe all your lifelines were used up fulfilling your basic survival needs, like feeling safe, building self-esteem and sense of belonging. Or forging relationships and healing from toxic ones.

But, now you’re ready for something more—you just don’t know what it is.

So, if you are feeling unfulfilled,  welcome—you’ve just entered the Self-Actualisation Level.

Granted it’s not fireworks and confetti. More a painful slow burn.

But, this is how a beautiful new chapter begins.

So, here’s what you can do:

1. First, start asking yourself deeper questions like, ‘What lights me up and makes me feel alive?’

2. And journal.

Yes, I’m sure you’ve heard this one before.

But that’s because it works. Writing down your thoughts, ideas, and dreams helps you get clearer on what really matters to you

If you’re unsure where to start how about listing three things you’re passionate about—and why?

3. Next, there’s volunteering for causes that mean something to you. 

Even if

you’re not fluent in the local language, there’s ways to volunteer remotely or find opportunities online—whether that’s mental health, homelessness, or environmental sustainability.

4. Oh and how about this for an idea: call your company’s bluff on its performative speeches.  If they’re talking the talk, why not challenge them to walk the walk?

In a professional way of course.

You could show some initiative by offering to get involved with the causes being name-dropped.

Or how about…

Coming up with a partnership for mental health non-profits or other initiatives you’re interested in.

If they’re serious about their values, they’ll be open to the idea.

If not, well…

you would have exposed some good old fashioned corporate hypocrisy.

So, maybe instead of synchronised head-nodding, you’ll be one delivering a speech! One that’s actually genuine and rooted in something that truly matters to you.

Now what!

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